Hanging in there!

New motherhood is incredibly joyful, but face it: It can sometimes be downright boring for both of us. I think mainly him lol. I want him to get around other babies that are much more active so he can get up and going! 

There are plenty of baby gym's here in charlotte and I want to get a feel of which one I wanted to frequent. I didn't want to start a membership until I tried them all. Luckly, the first visit is FREE. Tyler, His cousin, and I tried out two different baby gyms. One was pretty cool because you can come whenever you like and we do activities every 15 mins. The other was aaaaight lol. I give it seven on the scale 1-10 because it was not much he can do for his age group. 

Baby gyms are perfect for stay-at-home/work-from-home moms (like me) or 9-5 moms who don't have time during the week to do activities with baby. 

We enjoyed every bit of both of the gyms and we will definitely be visiting again this month!

What activities do you do with baby in your free time?
